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浮動沙丘 Floating Dunes




尺寸:28m(L)x 7m(W)x 1.8m(H)




英國藝評大師約翰·彼得·伯格(John Peter Berger,1926/11/5~20171/2)在《觀看的方式》(Ways of seeing)著作中探究了我們觀看藝術和世界的方式。我們體驗的社會關係在抽象的社會結構中不斷變化著。對於速度和數據的追逐,使得人們對於身處的真實環境和社會關係失去了敏感性。這也反映在現代科技和快節奏生活中,人們周遭環境深入體驗(觀看)的消失。

自然藝術是對於速度追求生活模式中的減速行為。此《浮動沙丘》作品以水為載體,在水面上隨風緩慢地浮動著。如葉似丘的雕塑造型在水上緩慢移動著,回應禪語中的「見山是山,見山不是山,見山還是山」的語句。從單純的物理性觀看過渡到心境上觀照與環境關懷上的轉變過程,呼應著約翰·彼得·伯格(John Peter Berger)對於觀看的思維。



Title: Floating Dunes

Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih

Materials: sand, iron, bamboo, PVC pipe

Size: 28m(L)x 8m(W)x 1.8m(H)

Location: Zhuangwei Sand Dune Service Park, Yilan County, Taiwan

Year: 2024

“Zhuangwei Living Arts Festival”

The British art critic John Peter Berger (1926/11/5~20171/2) explored the way we view art and the world in his book "Ways of Seeing". The social relationships we experience are constantly changing within abstract social structures. The pursuit of speed and data has caused people to lose sensitivity to the real environment and social relationships they live in. This is also reflected in the disappearance of people’s in-depth experience (viewing) of the surrounding environment in modern technology and fast-paced life.

Natural art is an act of deceleration in the pursuit of speed. This "Floating Dune" work uses water as a carrier, floating slowly on the water with the wind. The sculptures like leaves and dunes move slowly on the water, echoing the Zen saying "Seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, seeing a mountain is still a mountain." The transition from pure physical viewing to mental observation and environmental care echoes John Peter Berger’s thinking on seeing.

The wind moves the sand grains, causing the dunes to migrate. The formation and evolution of dunes are affected by wind, which also creates the long coastal dune terrain in Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County. This work is called "Floating Dunes". It uses natural elements and dynamic physical phenomena through artistic transformation to interpret the ever-changing flowing relationship between humans and the environment.

The work floats on the water and is made of woven bamboo, with some black sand from this coast painted on top of the sculpture. The work uses the entity on the water combined with the mirror image of the water surface as a visual expression to form a landscape co-constructed by humans and nature. Through the naming of "Floating Dunes", the work explores the ever-changing relationship between nature, art and society in different eras, and how art can become a medium and landscape to express and understand its changes. It reflects on the fast-paced thinking of society and echoes the poem " I wish to be your scenery" written by Yilan poet Luo Ye (real name Luo Yuanfu, 1965/4/3~2010/1/17) to the mother island of Taiwan.



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