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孕生2 / Birth 2




尺寸:300cm(L)x 300cm(W)x 400cm(H)






Title: Birth 2

Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih

Materials: Iron, fabric

Size: 300cm(L)x 300cm(W)x 400cm(H)

Location: National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung city, Taiwan

Year: 2023

EARTH PULSING-Nurturing life exhibition

The Delta Foundation has launched a series of "Healthy Sea" initiatives, and join hands with professional marine conservation teams to start the restoration of corals in the northeast corner of Taiwan and help build a base for coral breeding. They look forward more people come to understand the marine ecology and paying attention to climate change and environmental issues.

"Birth 2" works are not just a sculpture, it is also a coral nurturing device. It continued the same concept of the coral restoration 2 years ago. The appearance combines the shape of eggs and spirals, combine the Bred with the symbol of Life, and it is also a common life movement pattern in nature. The work responds to the mysterious order of all things in nature and their mutual symbiosis, make Environmental art actual combination of ecology, and contribute to the earth's environment.



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