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Qadaw (Sun)

作品名稱:Qadaw (太陽)


協作者:Lua rivera、陳勇昌、張國耀、林漢卿、周聖賢


尺寸:1500cm(直徑),320cm (H)




攝影:姚家卿、李蕢至、Lua Fernanda Rivera Figueroa


作品位於台東縣太麻里鄉的金崙海灘。這是一處山和海之間、自然與文明的交界位置。在這北回歸線以南的熱帶氣候土地上,熾熱的陽光召喚出活耀的生命力,也是賞旭日的所在。許多民族因地球運行的方向而對「日出」有著相關的神話與傳說,而大麻里的排灣部落又名為 “kacedas”,原意是 「太陽升起的地方」,且排灣族人也有著「太陽之子」的稱謂。




Title: Qadaw (Sun)

Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih

Art assistants: Lua Rivera、Kolas Diway、Chong, Kok-yew、Lin, Han-cing、Chou, Sheng-hsien

photography: Yao, Chia-Ching/ Lee, Kuei-Chih/ Lua Fernanda Rivera Figueroa

Materials: Stone, Sand, Rebar, Galvanized paint, Poly Urethane, Galvanized iron mesh

Size: 15m (diameter), 3.2m (H)

Location: Jinlun Beach, Taimali Township, Taitung County, Taiwan

Year: 2023

“Nanhui Art Project”


The coastline of the land has gradually reduced due to the changes in the movement of the earth's crust and the rise of the sea. Jinlun Bridge draws a straight line on the beach, and the culvert leading to the beach has become a boundary of nature and civilization. The changes in landforms and social structure have also created humanistic landscapes that are different from the past.

   The work is located in Jinlun Beach in Taimali Township, Taitung County. This is the border between mountains and sea, nature and civilization. The land of the tropical climate in the south of the Tropic of Cancer here, the hot sun summons the vitality of living, and it is also a place to watch the sunrise. Many nations have related myths and legends for "sunrise" due to the direction of the earth's operation, and the Paiwan tribe of Taimali also known as "Kacedas", that originally meant "where the sun rises", and the Paiwan people also have the name of "the son of the sun".

The Paiwan people are good at using the natural resources in the environment to live. Unique and famous stone-slab house architecture is one of the ecological wisdom crystals that combine their lives and the environment. In the stone-slab house, the elderly people use the light of the dormer to knot the rope to record the day, and the calculation of the number of days in the Paiwan language is calculated based on the number of the sun passed. This kind of lifestyle with the sun as the core is a corresponding attitude to the sky and the earth. In addition, Paiwan people often use tattoos and totem symbols to indicate family and life records.

   Land art is an extension of the sculpture of the environment after human consciousness intervention. Therefore, on this beach, I used the sand and stones of this place to create a moon arc-shaped sculpture like rising from the land and created the pattern on the sculpture after transforming the rich totem of the Paiwan people. Rebar material in my past works are the structures that carry natural objects, which are hidden materials to be covered. Now I use it to make this container with a spiritual totem, loading the nature of the place. It is like a huge woven belt after cutting, and it is also a huge container loaded with stones on the beach.

   Above the sculpture, I designed a round window. It extends the space, which makes it easier for us to feel the time and see all things change. The shape of the Moon and the Sun echoes the laws of the universe, responding to the core of nature and the pulse of the earth.


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