尺寸:15.5m(L) x 7.7m(W) x 5.6m(H)
自然元素有記憶環境和傳遞訊息的能力。 因此,我將材料從山上、海邊與市區匯聚在此。 將自然素材在不同環境裡的生命歷程痕跡相互組成一個流線型的雕塑,並名為「自然的交會」。 透過作品展現出生態鏈的自然調節與社會系統功能的交會,感念著水與自然的給予,也是隨著植物生長在這塊土地上不斷變化著的「時間風景」。
Title: Merging Nature
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Materials: Branches, driftwood, wooden formwork, plants, rebar
Size: 15.5m (L) x 7.7m (W) x 5.6m (H)
Location: Live Forever Foundation, Taichung city, Taiwan
Year: 2019-2021
In this work, I through the water flowing image to combine the natural materials with social functional materials, use driftwood, branches, wooden formwork and plants as materials to create a natural sculpture that changes with time.
Natural elements have the ability to memory environment and transmit messages. Therefore, I bring the materials from the mountains, the beach and the city. The traces of life of natural materials in different environments form into a streamline natural sculpture here, and named it "Nature Merging". Through the work, express the merging with the natural adjustment of the ecological chain and the social system functions, appreciate the water and the natural given, and also the "time landscape" that is constantly changing as the plant grows on this land.