2019 Upo Nature Art Festival
協助:Lua Rivera
尺寸:8m(L) x 6m(W) x 3m(H)
2017年時我參與了南韓昌寧郡的「UPO濕地生態體驗公園」人工溼地舉辦的第一屆的「2017 UPO自然藝術節」,主題為「自然遊樂園」。我在溼地內的香蒲叢裡創造了「香蒲螺旋」作品。詮釋著生命螺旋運動的過程,作品融入濕地中成為環境的一部分,並隨著四季變化著不同的風景。2019年時此活動再次舉辦,我再度受邀參與了「2019 Upo自然藝術節」。這次的主題不受限。我思考著濕地在生態系統裡的角色與功能。
Title: Water Guardian
Artist: Lee, Kuei- Chih
Materials: Branches, Steel bars
Size: 800cm(L) x 550cm(W) x 400cm(H)
Location: Upo Wetland Ecological Experience Park, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
Year: 2019
Wetlands, forests, and oceans are the three major ecosystems of the earth. Wetlands have important functions of flood control, water retention, water purification, and changing the microclimate of the earth. They are also habitats for many fish, crustaceans, birds, and other wild animals. In today's climate change environment, the concept of a watershed system is needed, which is related to the overall environment. Human beings are part of the ecological cycle chain, and our habitat and survival depend on the overall environment.
In this work, I use water as the image, installed in the wetland environment. Water is like the hands of the earth, creating habitat and guarding our environment. At the same time, it is said that the natural ecological balance is very delicate and fragile.