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Nga-San-Mu Studio

從原始部落生活到地方感 堆疊Gaga


作品名稱: 拿撒姆工作室

藝術家: 李蕢至

材質: 樹枝、芒草、石頭、藤、劍麻繩

尺寸: 1600cm(L)x350cm(W)x280cm(H)

地點:雪霸國家公園觀霧地區( Mawgil),大鹿林道西線。,新竹縣,臺灣。(24.492512N, 121.107868E)

年代: 2018


策展人:Wagi Qmisan 集體創作:Wagi Qmisan、Laling Yumin、Ibant Yumin、Mona Laling、Yumin Bahuy、許崴鈞、王冠晴、與25位新竹五峰地區在地泰雅兒童們、10位外地國小自學團師生



「微獵角旅人客廳」從2015年開始投入環境美學和文化振興的社會倡議,透過各式的微獵旅行,開啟部落與外界的對話,一邊挖掘部落傳統、地方生態智慧,一邊進行著「社會雕塑」,也創建了 "NgacanMu拿撒姆山學校"。以山作為一座學校的概念開展社會教育裡的自然生活經驗。

2017年我時我受邀進駐泰雅Skaru族人的傳統領域駐地一週,以「構建-漫遊者棲地地景」為題,在經驗、探索與觀察的過程中,感受這片山林與山靈。再透過與部落族人的生活與對話中,創造出了「漫遊庇護所」地景作品。2018年時,「微獵角旅人客廳」策畫了「從原始部落生活到地方感-堆疊Gaga_ Skaru現地創作行為展:2018拿撒姆大地藝術工作營」活動。「Gaga」是泰雅族文化的核心,也是泰雅語裡頭最多義的詞彙。「Gaga」大致上有社會範疇、社會規範與個人特質三種層次,它代表著人與人之間的相處倫理與自然間的宇宙秩序,而「共享」則是其內涵的關鍵。「拿撒姆」在泰雅語意為「我的家」,而「拿撒姆山學校」則象徵著一個沒有彊界的自然學區的概念。在這一個從部落發展自主教育出發的一個向山學習的活動中,我再度受邀回到此地進行創作。這一次嘗試以大地藝術結合對話性創作的方式與策展人Wagi Qmisan共同合作,展開新類型公共藝術的共同創作-「山是一座學校」的自然地景建構。


The original shelter

From primitive tribal life to local sense-Sustainable Gaga

Skaru Site-specific art exhibition: 2018 Nga-San-Mu Land Art Work Camp

Title: Nga-San-Mu Studio

Artist: Lee, Kuei-CArt Exhibitionhih

Materials: Branches, miscanthus, stones, vines, sisal rope

Size: 1600cm(L)x350cm(W)x280cm(H)

Location: West Branch of Dalu Forest Road , Guanwu area( Mawgil), Shei-Pa National Park, Hsinchu County, Taiwan (24.492512N, 121.107868E)

Year: 2018

Organizer: Mitakayal Travelers Under Sky - Nga-San-Mu Mountain School, Atayal Squliq Skaru Tribal Group

Curator: Wagi Qmisan

Co-creation: Wagi Qmisan, Laling Yumin, Ibant Yumin, Mona Laling, Yumin Bahuy, Xu,Wei-Jun, Wang,Guan-Qing, 25 children in the Wufeng area of Hsinchu County and 10 self-study group teachers and students from other localities.

Photography: Xiao,Li-Jun


"Nga-San-Mu Land Art Work Camp" belongs to the Nga-San-Mu Mountain School Series Course -"Going Travel from the tribe to the world.". The hunter is a wanderer of the mountain space. The "traditional field" idea for the tribe people such as like the concept of "habitat" for animals and plants in environment. The project invites artists to reside in the traditional areas of the Skaru tribe.

In 2017, I was invited to stay in the traditional area of the Skaru tribe for a week. I used the theme of “Wanderer Habitat” to experience, explore, observe, and feel the sensitivity of the relationship between humans and nature. It is also perceived that this land once carried the shifting agriculture and hunting life of the Skaru people and the contemporary situation of the people. Through the local creations of living and dialogue with the Atayal people and children, I created the "Wanderer Shelter" land artwork there.

In 2018, I returned to the site of the Guanwu area(Mawgil) for a week. This time, I tried to work with curator Wagi Qmisan in the form of land artwork combined with local dialogue. This is the co-creation of land artwork of a New Type of Public Art - "Mountain is a school" with the tribal people and children. After four consecutive days of cold rain cleaning and a temperature of 2 to 5 degrees Celsius at night time and early morning, and through all the efforts of the people, the work of "Nga-San-Mu Studio" was finally completed.

"Gaga" is the core of the Atayal culture and the most vocabulary in the Atayal language. "Gaga" generally has three levels: social category, social norms, and personal traits. It represents the ethics of interpersonal relationships and the natural cosmic order, and "sharing" is the key to its connotation. This work is located in the traditional Atayal hunting field. I transformed the original hunter's temporary simple shelter into art and combined the child's "river" imagination vision. I used the shape of the hunting knife that the hunter carried with them to make the initial imagination of this work then changed it. The work begins with a sloping pine tree and extends upstream into a streamlined curved shape. It is like growing from nature and forming a space for human and natural life then landing into an open space. The materials of the work were gathered from the site and built into a natural shelter with internal and external space in the traditional way of the original hunter shelter.

"Nga-San-Mu" means "my home" in the Atayal language. My creative life has always coexisted with the studio, and this work is gradually completed in a way that combines with dialogue creation. Therefore, I named it "Nga-San-Mu Studio" and it also responded to "Mountain is a school" and Atayal "Gaga".

The original shelter

Nga-San-Mu Studio_ Peocess

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