作品名稱:記憶浪體 No.2 / Memory Wave No.2
尺寸: 14 m (L) x 10 m (W) x 3.5 m (H)
2011年德國斯圖加特大學航空航天學院(Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart)經實驗證實了水分子具有記憶周遭環境資訊的能力。在東方哲學中也常把水比喻成鏡子,可以映照萬事萬物,也是我們心象的映射。透過水的路徑與其在時代中的變化,能夠知道文明的發展生活的軌跡。
"Slow step, breeze blowing" installation art exhibition
Title: Memory Wave No.2
Creator: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Material: Recycling living objects, bamboo
Size: 14 m (L) x 10 m (W) x 3.5 m (H)
Venue: Xinwawu Hakka Culture Preservation Park, Hsinchu city, Taiwan
Year: 2018
Touqian River is the mother river of Hsinchu city. It go through the valleys, flows through the aborigines, Hakkas, and southern Fujian villages, and breeds the civilization that extends the Hsinchu region. Moreover, there are many water and rice fields in the six districts of Zhubei. It is a large barn in Hsinchu city. It has also the reputation of "six matures and full of Hsinchu.".
After the culture and transformation of different periods, the “Xinwawu Hakka Preservation Cultural Zone” became the first Hakka cultural preservation area in Taiwan. So far, the "Xihe Shidi" gatehouse and its peripheral walls are still the most important gateway entire image, and also the first impression when I visited the Xinwawu Hakka Preservation Cultural Park. There is a small stream next to the park, and it makes me think about the water channel in the past.
In 2011, the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany confirmed the ability of water molecules to have information about the surrounding environment. In Eastern philosophy, water is often metaphorized into mirrors, and it can reflect everything and also a map of our minds. Through the water path and its changes in the times, we can know the traces of the development and life of civilization.
We can see many bamboo construction in the Hakka traditional architecture.
Therefore, I use bamboo, trees and recycled living objects as the materials.
Through the water imagine to create a "Memory waves" natural sculpture here. It seems like growing from the earth and flowing in space. It responds to the spirit of the Natural giving of the Touqian River and the culture of the Hakka people. It also connects the emotions and life memories of people and water.