地點:花蓮市區(121.6062E, 23.9722N),磯崎海邊(23.707455N, 121.548522E)
雕塑進行的同時,對於山區、城市與海邊居民的訪談也正在進行著。非常謝謝國立東華大學的同學們協助我進行田野的訪談。訪談的內容大多是關於居民們對於地下水的記憶、生物棲地的改變與生活的轉變。對比著過去和現在的環境,在生態上產生了甚麼改變?而生活本身又是如何適應這些變化? 在訪談結束後,我將這些訪談後的聲音檔製作成聲響裝置,植入在死寂的湧泉雕塑之中。當這些水的記憶與其自身故事的聲音從雕塑中發出時,仿佛注入了雕塑靈魂,使原本這死寂的物件雕塑活了過來。而雕塑組成的每一個物件承載著我們日常生活的共同記憶,當它伴隨者雕塑中此起彼落發出的記憶聲響時,我們聽見了許多關於土地的美麗故事與哀愁,也猶如一個個不在場靈魂的環境宣言。

2017 Good Underground Art Space Artist Residency project
Title: Where is the water flowing?
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Location: Hualien City and Jici Beach
( 23.9722N, 121.6062E) , (23.707455N, 121.548522E)
Material: Wood, Recycled living objects, Sound device, Driftwood, Sand
Year: 2017
Work conception:
Water nourishes everything, and everything flows like water.
The concept of the work comes from the local history of the water springs. The sound of the water be covered, it just like the water accumulation underground for long time and sprang out in this broken cheek gushing, and flowing in this cold land. This is the natural order and the real reaction of our life.
The works are located the unused space in the Hualien city and the Jici Beach in the Fengbin Township, Hualien County and echoes the status of the mountain here. In this unused space, we can read the past facts that it used to exist, as was the same as the water springs. We could see the traces of the past life here, and feel that time scrubbing the history of the old taste. The work is constructing by the local recycled living objects, and set the sound device that the local residents talk about their memories of the water and their own stories. It is a kind of no flow, such as abandoned the cement block as deadly rock sculpture. Each object is carrying our daily life and life history of the common memory, and accompanied by the memories of the sounds around here, like an absence of environmental declaration, but also direct evidence of human consumption society.
We saw a peaceful and simple circle of the Land art work at the Hualien beach. It looks like a crater, we could imagine the smoke of the tribe to convey the message. It also with the same huge energy as the water spring under the ground and waiting for the release of the moment. It is kind of the reveal the natural spiritual image too, and like a circuital chain which is without starting and ending, and life philosophy.
This work uses the water path talking about our environment issue. Water flows from the mountain to the city and finally flows to the sea. Therefore, I create two pieces of work which are the water springs outdoor sculpture installation art in the unused place in the Hualien city and the land art work on the Jici Beach and try to echo the fact that is the Asia Cement Corporation dig the giant pit in the Xin-Cheng Mountain and many local environmental issue. Trying to depicting the true face of the environment in which we are now.
The work called "Where is the water flowing?" It responds to the local existence of natural resources, in addition, also tried to look back our city, the mountain and the sea with the water path. By the natural order of the water tell the story of the land. See the historical facts flow in the long river of time but can’t dilute.
Other artists
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