尺寸:6m(L) x3 m(W) x 3m(H)
地點:陽明山國家公園的竹子湖黑森林,臺北市,臺灣 (25.174492N, 121.536959E)
Rebirth the Pith paper plant in Bamboo lake - International artist residency
Title: The Spiral of Nature’s Boundary
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Material: Cryptomeria branches, hemp rope
Size: 6m ( L) x3 m ( W) x 3m ( H)
Location: Yang Ming Shan National Park, Taipei city, Taiwan (25.174492N, 121.536959E)
Year: 2017
Work conception:
We are a small link in the grand wholeness of nature. And the concept of “biodiversity” is important for maintaining balance in that whole. That also includes the level of evolutionary change. The Bamboo Lake District (Zhuzi Hu) was formed by a volcanic eruption which created a crater barrier. The water in the lake has already flowed away and disappeared. The original landscape has changed a lot through the ages and the process of change continues to the present. It should also be mentioned that changes resulting from the influence of human history and culture cause some concern.
This art installation is located in the Black Forest of the Bamboo Lake District which is part of the Yang Ming Shan Park System. The area is full of tall cryptomeria trees, and is called Taipei’s “forget your worries” forest. The Taipei City Government has also, in the last two years, commissioned designers to make a large heart-shaped design on the ground in the entrance area. The white heart shape is filled with bright red painted stones. It is ‘the place to go’ for engaged couples to take wedding pictures in a natural setting. It also gives us a glimpse into modern social aesthetic standards. The area is full of trees and one can see the root structure of some trees that were blown down during last year’s typhoon. These living and fallen trees, together, form a fantastic rich and green forest scene.
The concept of this art work is based on the boundaries between the system of spirals as the intrinsic order of all life including this natural habitat, and the man made environment. I selected several fallen trees located near the entrance of the forest because this is the area that is between the artificial landscape expressing the common social aesthetic and the natural landscape. The selection of this site, the boundary between the natural and unnatural worlds, is the absolute key element in the art piece. In this magical, Black Forest atmosphere I placed the outdoor installation form right on the boundary between the two different spaces in the natural landscape. I gathered curved and bent branches on the ground that were from the fallen trees and arranged them together to form the spiral shapes. This piece is meant to shed light on the balanced relationship of the three points mentioned above: the original habitat, biodiversity, and human social and cultural activity both in the particular and in a general sense beyond the Black Forest. Moreover, I took the spiral shape, which appears everywhere in nature, to represent the spirals in human life and in the order of the cosmos as a whole.
My goal is to create a natural equilibrium between the original landscape and this art installation project that will continue through time like a spontaneous unified energy field. The aesthetic spirit of the piece will echo the living, biologically diverse forms of nature, through the continuously revolving spirals.