SHINANO Primitive Sense Art Festival 2016
The land’s telling stories, the storyteller of the Water

作品名稱:水氣場-3 森林平台
尺寸:約3m(L) x 3m(W) x 5m(H)
年代:2015, 2016
Title: Water Aura-3 Forest Lookout / 水のアウラ-3
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Material: Wood, Vines, Hemp rope
Location: The forest near Omachi Kizaki lake, Nagano, Japan
Size: about 3m(L) x 3m(W) x 5m(H)
Year: 2015, 2016
這件作品將去年的 "水氣場3" 作品繼續延伸。從原本的森林平台變成一座森林裡的雙層高台。就像一座瞭望台。在這裡你可以俯瞰"水氣場"、"漣漪劇場"與這座森林,同時也提供了一個自然的休憩之所。 人們可以在平台上休憩、做夢、想像。更能感受大自然的靈光。
I continued to extend my last year work "water aura 3".
The forest platform from the original single platform changed to the double platform. It's like a Lookout. Here you can overlook the work "water aura", work "Ripples drama" and this forest, but also provides a natural resting place. People can rest on the platform, to dream, to imagine. Emmanuel better feel of nature.