SHINANO Primitive Sense Art Festival 2016
The land’s telling stories, the storyteller of the Water

尺寸:約15m (L) x 15m (W) x 3m (H)
Title: Ripple Drama
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Material: Cedar sticks, Hemp rope
Location: The forest near Omachi Kizaki lake, Nagano, Japan
Size: About 15m (L) x 15m (W) x 3m (H)
Year: 2016
"Drama" was created by human beings, and we use it to show many fable stories in order to share or remind people something.
The work's title is " Ripple Drama". I use two elements in my work which are water and theatre. It looks like a huge ripple or habitat. Everything happened here all are kinds of the drama.
Here is a beautiful cedar forest, and plants have their unique memory abilities in responding to the environment. Therefore, I construct the " Ripple Drama" by cedar sticks. It looks like a water wave emerging from the land, and all the stories will spread like water with the times. Trying to expression the poetic image of my natural experience in this forest.
The natural mysterious theatre covered with plant genes, it seems to tell some special experiences and always appear a mystic drama between human beings and the nature. It is also the storyteller of the water