SHINANO Primitive Sense Art Festival 2015
在剛到這座針葉林森林時,我發現一棵特別強壯的大樹矗立在群樹之間。於是我在其附近創作了"水氣場-1",之後於湖對岸的森林製作"水氣場-2",用東方氣場的概念說明水與土地密不可分的重要。最後我想再製作一件作品將氣場收回到人自身。由於在駐村期間,我參觀了位於千年之森的許多樹屋,使我萌生了森林平台的想法。於是我回到了當初發現的那棵大樹旁,在它旁邊製作了"水氣場-3 森林平台",一方面是對千年之森樹屋群的回應,一方面也提供了一個自然的休憩之所。 人們可以在平台上休憩、做夢、想像。更能感受大自然的靈光。
When I first arrived at this coniferous forest, I’ve found an extra giant tree standing among other trees. After, I created “Water Aura-1” here and “Water Aura-2” in another forest across the lake. I used the idea of aura to explain how inseparable between water and land. In the end, I wished to create another work to connect the aura to human itself. During my residency, I’ve visited many tree houses in the Thousand Year Forest, and it has inspired me to create a platform among the trees. Therefore when I was back to the giant tree, I decided to create my third work “Water Aura-3: Forest Platform”. I make this artwork in response to the tree houses I’ve seen in the forest. On the other hand, it provides a place for people to rest, to dream, to imagine, and to be inspired by nature.
作品名稱:水氣場-3 森林平台
尺寸:約1.8m(L) x 1.8m(W) x 3m(H)
Title: Water Aura-3 Forest Platform / 水のアウラ-3
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Material: Branches, Wooden stick
Size: about 1.8m(L) x 1.8m(W) x 3m(H)
Location: The forest situated near Ōmachi, Nagano, Japan
Year: 2015