派生X力Derivative WHAT IS ART!!!-屏東縣枋寮藝術村駐村
Derivative WHAT IS ART!!!-Resident artist at Fangliau F3 Art District
This work was located on the gravel beach of Fangliao Township, Pingtung County. I tried to create an arc cavity. It is a gap such as mining and never being filled.
Every place was the same, but it is the way things are arranged that tells the difference. This piece of work was locally sourced and placed so that it can be returned to where it was from.
經度:120° 35’51”(120.5975),緯度:22° 21’28”(22.3578)
Works Location:Beach, Fangliao Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
East Longitude:120° 35’51”(120.5975),North Latitude:22° 21’28”(22.3578)