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Line of Leaves

此作為作品記錄時的隨想之作,路旁的松樹下掉落著彎曲不一的松針葉,這些看似平常,在生活中習以為常的東西,我們只需要改變一下它的組成方式,重新排列組合,它便能夠以另一種型態重現且再生於我們眼前。 在稀疏平常的背景之下,躍了出來。

This work was an impromptu during work documentation when the fallen pine needles were found curled, lying under the roadside pines. Though ordinary enough, as long as we change its arrangement, different style can be reproduced, manifesting a revived appearance. The arrangement just “popped out” in a fairly ordinary setting.

位置:237臺北縣三峽鎮白雞路 Works Location: White Chicken Rd., Sansia Township, Taipei County 237, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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