李 蕢 至
![水結晶 [1600x1200].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/9c11f5_188224780d5f4716b7c517d688b1d6b7~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_979,h_385,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%E6%B0%B4%E7%B5%90%E6%99%B6%20%5B1600x1200%5D.jpg)
水是地球上生命的基本成分之一。地球表面大約70%被水所覆蓋,與人體內水份的比例相同,而且我們的身體主要由水組成,我們的大腦就含有75%以上的水量。當我們陷入缺水狀況時,身體機能系統就會急劇惡化。為什麼我們48小時沒喝水就有可能死亡? 水如何溶解事物?為什麼水在華氏39.2度最重?能量能夠改變水質嗎?
水是地球上最常見的物質,也是最神秘的物質,歷史上也有不少以水喻道的故事。日本學者Masaru Emoto曾發表過有關水能根據外界的信息,從而影響水分子結晶的說法。這揭示了水那神秘的信息,並對人類的思想,音樂,情感,祈禱和文字產生反應。我們也相信水在不同的環境中承載著不一樣的信息,在生活中也時常有被水包圍與擁抱的感覺。它就像活著的生物一樣,依地勢而有著不同的形狀而成為了河流,湖泊,池塘,小溪,雨,冰,薄霧和海洋。因此,我們想在自然之間藉由藝術轉化的方式,有形地擁抱水。
Masaru Emoto證明了水是如此強大,以至於僅僅透過人類的思想就能夠造成破壞與改變。他曾有一項研究是由兩名攝影師拍攝水晶體的照片。一個人處於和平狀態,另一個人處於激動狀態。當把Masaru Emoto所說的「愛與感謝」的感覺傳遞到水里時,水分子結成晶體的形狀是美好且平衡的。另一方面,當向水傳遞負面感覺時,它則形成醜陋的水晶體。
因為我們從Masaru Emoto「愛與感謝」的代表作中獲得啟發。李蕢至和Lua Rivera開始使用自然素材創造了漂浮在水面上的天然紡織品,再採集該環境中的自然物(如花、果實、葉子、細枝等)為其點綴與裝飾,使其覆蓋水面的一部分,就好像是一件為水織出的衣裳。
此計畫從2019年開始,李蕢至和Lua Rivera逐漸地在不同的地方創造出一件件獨特的「水禮服」作品,並以此藝術方式擁抱我們生命中最重要且神祕的物質- 水。
"Water" is a reflection of our soul.
Water is one of the basic components of life on earth. About 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water, which is the same as the proportion of water in the human body, and our body is mainly composed of water, and our brain contains more than 75% of water. When we fall into a water shortage situation, the body's function system will deteriorate sharply. Why can we die without drinking water for 48 hours? How does water dissolve things? Why is water heaviest at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit? Can energy change water quality?
Water is the most common substance on the earth, and it is also the most mysterious substance. There are many stories about water as a metaphor in history as well. Japanese scholar Masaru Emoto once published the statement that water energy affects the crystallization of water molecules based on external information. This reveals the mysterious message of water and reacts to human thoughts, music, emotions, prayers and words. We also believe that water carries different messages in different environments, and we often feel surrounded and embraced by water in our lives. It is like a living creature, with different shapes depending on the terrain and becoming a river, lake, pond, stream, rain, ice, mist, and ocean. Therefore, we want to tangibly embrace water in the natural environment through artistic transformation.
Masaru Emoto proved that water is so powerful that it can cause destruction and change just through the human mind. He once had a study in which two photographers took photos of crystals. One is in a state of peace, the other is in a state of excitement. When tranfer the feeling of " Love and Gratitude" that Masaru Emoto calls into the water, the shape of water molecules into crystals is beautiful and balanced. On the other hand, when it sent negative feelings to water, it forms ugly crystals.
Lee, Kuei-Chih and Lua Rivera began to use natural materials to create natural textiles floating on the water, and then collected natural objects in the environment (such as flowers, fruits, leaves, twigs, etc.) for their embellishment and decoration to cover part of the water surface. It's like a piece of clothes woven for water. This project started from 2019, Lee, Kuei-Chih and Lua Rivera have gradually created unique “Water dress” works in different countries, and in this artistic way to embrace the most important and mysterious substance in our lives- "water".